«Where are the Women? Gender Equality in Swiss Film Productions»
Where are the women (apart from costume and script)? Why does it matter? Are gender equal film sets different? Is your production gender equal? Do you have a diverse crew?
SSFV (Swiss Syndicate for Film and Video) and SWAN (Swiss Women’s Audiovisual Network) have partnered to organize a round table discussion focused on the position and representation of women in technical crews (sets and post).
During one hour, a round table with professional speakers from within the Swiss Audiovisual Industry will outline the present and future landscape of gender equality advances in Swiss audiovisual productions, drawing from data, studies as well as personal experiences. Through central issues, such as hiring opportunities, wage inequality and work environment, this round table wishes to raise awareness and foster both reflection and debate within the branche regarding this topic in order to come up with new solutions to reach equality.
Moderator: Stéphane Mitchell - Scénariste et coprésidente de SWAN
Joëlle Bertossa - Producer
Marianne Roussy - Ingénieure du son, perchwoman
Jela Skerlak - Head of Distribution & Diversity, Film Department, Federal Office of Culture FOC
Language: french
When and where: Sunday 7.4.2019, 16.00 - 17.30h, Village du Réel: Forum, Nyon